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For more than 30 years, the Egnatia Road has been a great dream of Northern Helladians – and not only – to connect Epirus, Macedonia and Thrace and remove their isolation.

Its inclusion in the priority projects of the Trans-European Transport Networks sealed its European dimension as a connecting road between the markets of the East and the large industrial centers of the West. As a collecting axis of the Pan-European Corridors IV (Berlin – Sofia – Thessaloniki), IX (Helsinki – Alexandroupolis) and X (Vienna – Belgrade – Thessaloniki) which go from North to South, it acquires great geostrategic importance for the Balkans and South-Eastern Europe.


The company EGNATIA ODOS S.A. is a flexible scheme with a substantial and decisive contribution to the decentralization of the administration of public works, both at the sectoral and geographical level. It is also at the cutting edge of the effort to upgrade the way public works are produced, which focuses on the use of modern financial tools and new financial and operational strategies, on the holistic general planning of projects, on the control and adherence to schedule, cost and construction projects of high quality and specifications.
The company is responsible for the design, construction, maintenance, operation and management of the longest road axis in Greece, which together with its vertical axes reaches a total of 1000 kilometers.
The Egnatia highway crosses Epirus, Macedonia and Thrace and, at the national level, provides the opportunity for additional investments in the transport, industry and tourism sector, forming a development axis for Northern Greece. At the European level, it connects the industrial centers of the West with the East, at the same time acting as a collecting road axis for the transports of the Balkans and the SE. Europe. Pan-European Corridors IV (Berlin – Sofia – Thessaloniki), IX (Helsinki ending in Alexandroupolis) and X (Vienna – Belgrade – Thessaloniki) end in it.


  • Theater of Dodoni

8th klm. Ioannina - Athens, 45500


+3026510 91900

Days and hours of operation

Weekdays: 8.00 – 17.00, 24/7 at 1077

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