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High Mountains is a Social Cooperative Enterprise that strives to create the conditions and conditions for a livable life in the thriving mountain communities of our future.

Centered on real human needs, we aim for a balanced and integrated development, with respect for the natural and cultural heritage.


The Co.S.Ep. “Ta Psila Vouna” based in Zagori, aims to promote decentralization, resettlement and livable integrated development of mountainous areas.

The main concern of its members is the provision of consultancy, support and infrastructure to people who live, produce and create in mountainous areas, to cultural associations and mountain municipalities, but also to those who are thinking of starting a new life in the mountains of the country.

We operate under the legal form of a Social Cooperative Enterprise and in the spirit of the Social and Solidarity Economy.

This means that all our energy and action is directed towards achieving our social purpose and not towards maximizing profitability.

The “profit” for us is the increase of quality jobs, the creation of the appropriate infrastructure and the solution of those problems, which will lead to the support of the inhabitants of the mountainous regions, the strengthening of decentralization and the creation of livable communities in the high mountains.


  • Theater of Dodoni

Savva Nikolatou 51, Ioannina 45332


+30 6946 686 486

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