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AGEMA / Ancient Greek Beauty Secrets, has its headquarters in Lygos Ioannina, in the wider area of ​​the Dodoni valley, where it is surrounded by a pervasively mysterious nature of native plants that were considered gifts of the gods.

Its vital energy diffuses and externalizes towards every form of life that surrounds and is surrounded, making the area characterized as a perpetual, unalterable, natural energy source, which is why it was also chosen as the site for the first, oldest and for many years unique oracle.


AGEMA / Ancient Greek Beauty Secrets, has its headquarters in Lygos Ioannina, in the wider area of ​​the Dodoni valley, where it is surrounded by a pervasively mysterious nature of native plants that were considered gifts of the gods.

Its vital energy diffuses and externalizes towards every form of life that surrounds and is surrounded, making the area characterized as a perpetual, unalterable, natural energy source, which is why it was also chosen as the site for the first, oldest and for many years unique oracle.

With specific primordial-procedures-recipes, our Ancestors received from the all-living beings of the plant kingdom, in their wild state, all the forces and vibrational power of these indigenous plants that live in their own societies and possess “pure information” and prominent collective memory.

AGEMA was “born” to bring you these natural clean-energy gifts, respecting and cooperating completely with nature and its laws.

Its primordial-natural-energy products are the “transmitter”, the “channel” of union of the energy Source of Dodoni with your individuality.

AGEMA transforms, mutates, projects the primordial structures of the greatness of the past in the “modern”, “contemporary”, “evolved” times of today and the “here and now”…

The price of AGEMA products refers to the value of the “physical” product. The eternal, inexhaustible energy that flows from the Dodoni valley is not marketable and as such is generously given to the friends of AGEMA.


  • Theater of Dodoni

Lyggos, Dodoni, Ioannina, Greece



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