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Bio Herbs Kominis is based in the fertile mountains of Thesprotia, Epirus, in northwestern Greece. We specialize in the cultivation, drying, and packaging of herbs using traditional methods and in accordance with European Union standards. Our drying facility is located in the traditional settlement of Margariti, Thesprotia.

Harvesting of the herbs takes place on sunny days to ensure that flowers and leaves do not contain moisture. We carefully cut the plants using sharp tools to avoid injuring them. For plants from which we collect buds, we create small bundles of 3-4 stems for drying.



Bio Herbs Kominis is based in the fertile mountains of Thesprotia, Epirus, in northwestern Greece. We specialize in the cultivation, drying, and packaging of herbs using traditional methods and in accordance with European Union standards. Our drying facility is located in the traditional settlement of Margariti, Thesprotia.

Harvesting of the herbs takes place on sunny days to ensure that flowers and leaves do not contain moisture. We carefully cut the plants using sharp tools to avoid injuring them. For plants from which we collect buds, we create small bundles of 3-4 stems for drying.

Drying occurs in a well-ventilated and warm environment with stable temperature and dry atmosphere, under shade and without humidity. We regularly turn the flowers and leaves to ensure thorough drying. Proper drying helps the plants retain their medicinal properties. We avoid sun drying as it can cause loss of aroma and color of the plants.

After drying, proper storage is crucial. Initially, we procure transparent glass containers with airtight seals. Each herb is then placed in a tightly sealed container and stored in a dark, dry space. We label each container with the herb’s name and the date of drying. Typically, herbs are stored for up to a year as they may lose a significant portion of their aroma over time.


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