The Co.S.Ep. “Ta Psila Vouna” based in Zagori, aims to promote decentralization, resettlement and livable integrated development of mountainous areas.

The main concern of its members is the provision of consultancy, support and infrastructure to people who live, produce and create in mountainous areas, to cultural associations and mountain municipalities, but also to those who are thinking of starting a new life in the mountains of the country.

We operate under the legal form of a Social Cooperative Enterprise and in the spirit of the Social and Solidarity Economy.

This means that all our energy and action is directed towards achieving our social purpose and not towards maximizing profitability.

The “profit” for us is the increase of quality jobs, the creation of the appropriate infrastructure and the solution of those problems, which will lead to the support of the inhabitants of the mountainous regions, the strengthening of decentralization and the creation of livable communities in the high mountains.


The “Zagori Museum” is a structure that manages the protection and exploitation of the natural and cultural heritage with the aim of local development.

Its basic principle is that the monuments of a region remain “in situ” reflecting living testimonies of a particular era.

Communication with visitors includes aspects of social life, production processes, socio-economic and natural history of the place.

At the same time, it interprets the spiritual, social and economic development of the local population, which is directly linked to the natural environment and its effects in defining its particular physiognomy.


LIMO-VAN is an ideal choice for your transportation. With a capacity of 8 people, you can enjoy your journey together with your company, family or colleagues.

Airports, ports, intercity bus or train stations as well as any hotel unit, isofix type child seats for all ages of children (after consultation).

Reservation, appointment, so that you can confidently and safely have a taxi at a given time.

Ability to transport passengers within and outside borders with confidence and security. Movements of partners and employees of all companies.

Guided tours to touristic, religious resorts. Possibility of one-day and multi-day trips.

Pick up and transfer of guests from your place to waiting for receptions, weddings and any other social event.


BIKEWISE is a new company specializing in cycling tourism in Greece and more specifically in the Epirus region. We organize cycling tours and holidays with electric and conventional bikes from the German Cube, always accompanied by an experienced driver-companion. On our tours visitors have the opportunity to swim in rivers or do a short hike and of course enjoy a homemade picnic with traditional local products.

Our purpose at BIKEWISE is to make your vacation a pleasant journey of experiences and knowledge in Greece. To immerse ourselves together in the history, culture, natural beauty and hospitality of this place by talking with the locals, trying traditional recipes, exchanging stories from our lives.

The main component of our excursions is your own quality service and pleasure making your holidays unforgettable, combining physical exercise, adapted to all abilities and all ages, with entertainment and relaxation in a landscape full of picturesque images and colors.

Basic values ​​for us are respect for the environment and people, teamwork and “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. Let’s pedal to new adventures.


The Continental Bottling Industry S.A. (VIKOS SA) is a family business, which was founded in 1990 and is one of the most well-known and established companies in the field of bottled water. This is a Greek company, which started its production activity by bottling, from the source of the same name, Natural Mineral Water “Vikos”, which has been available since 1992 in the Greek and foreign markets, while at the same time being the main supplier of the largest chains supermarket.

The Natural Mineral Waters “Vikos”, “MITSIKELI” and “ὐας” are bottled at the respective sources, in the factories of Peribleptos, Kalpakios and Kaliana, with state-of-the-art machinery, without any intervention by human hands and without undergoing any treatment throughout the process, from pumping up to the disposal of the product to the final consumer. In addition, in 2014, and as a result of two years of intensive Research and Development, the company entered the soft drinks market, launching 8 different flavors and, at the same time, creating a new product category, the Natural Mineral Soft Drinks “Vikos”.

“Vikos” Natural Mineral Soft Drinks are the only soft drinks with Natural Mineral Water. They are produced in the Kalpaki factory with the main ingredient “MITSIKELI” Natural Mineral Water straight from the source without any processing, but also with Greek fruit juices and our own special recipes and flavors! In 2017, the company enriches the range of soft drinks with 3 new flavors, with a low glycemic index and sweetener from the stevia plant, Vikos Cola stevia, Vikos Orange stevia and Vikos Lemonade stevia.
