In Epirus, at the foothills of Mount Korila, between Paramythia and Elea, lies the DIAMANTIS distillery, which specializes in producing high-quality beverages with a distinct taste.

Today, with well-equipped facilities featuring modern production and bottling lines, we continue to create, always based on tradition and respect for the consumer.

Our goal has always been and will continue to be the creation of premium quality products with a unique taste that will establish and highlight them.


Bio Herbs Kominis is based in the fertile mountains of Thesprotia, Epirus, in northwestern Greece. We specialize in the cultivation, drying, and packaging of herbs using traditional methods and in accordance with European Union standards. Our drying facility is located in the traditional settlement of Margariti, Thesprotia.

Harvesting of the herbs takes place on sunny days to ensure that flowers and leaves do not contain moisture. We carefully cut the plants using sharp tools to avoid injuring them. For plants from which we collect buds, we create small bundles of 3-4 stems for drying.

Drying occurs in a well-ventilated and warm environment with stable temperature and dry atmosphere, under shade and without humidity. We regularly turn the flowers and leaves to ensure thorough drying. Proper drying helps the plants retain their medicinal properties. We avoid sun drying as it can cause loss of aroma and color of the plants.

After drying, proper storage is crucial. Initially, we procure transparent glass containers with airtight seals. Each herb is then placed in a tightly sealed container and stored in a dark, dry space. We label each container with the herb’s name and the date of drying. Typically, herbs are stored for up to a year as they may lose a significant portion of their aroma over time.

Sofia beekeeping

The business’s history begins in 1980 when Panagiotis Sofias, starting with a few beehives, decided to pursue beekeeping professionally.

From those few hives, the operation expanded significantly, managing 300 hives. Subsequently, his sons Christoforos and Zisis Sofias also joined, captivated by the fascinating world of bees and having a passion for this work. Together, they currently manage 1500 beehives, including 1000 queen cell production hives.

Every year, they travel across Greece chasing blooms such as pine, fir, oak, etc. Their annual honey production ranges from 15 to 25 tons depending on weather conditions.

The beekeeping family has also progressed in marketing. They have established a packaging facility in Grika, Thesprotia, certified with HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards.

Their product range includes honey, pollen, royal jelly, beeswax, ointments, and propolis.

Additionally, they offer queens and bee colonies for beekeepers.


The Verum Herb Estate

In Faskomilia, Thesprotia, under the vast blue sky, close to the salty breeze of the Ionian Sea, and in ideal climatic conditions, the organic crops of Verum Herb spread across approximately 30 hectares. Here, the beauty and harmony of nature unfolds in the form of small, aromatic shrubs and herbs that delight the senses with their colors, aromas, and flavors.


The most essential and decisive factor for a successful organic cultivation is the soil: it must be healthy, free from chemical toxins, alive with countless microorganisms that coexist harmoniously with all living beings that inhabit it, and rich in organic and inorganic components.

At the Verum Herb estate, we practice organic farming using traditional cultivation techniques, healthy seeds and plants, considering biological balances, and avoiding any kind of environmental burden from agricultural activities.


Our experience, knowledge in organic products (food – cosmetics), and long-term collaboration with organic growers have led us to create a space that aims to offer you the best products on the market.

With the desire to provide you with unique products, we have sought to get to know many Greek producers who produce them with passion and knowledge, ensuring us the best prices.

Based on principles of reliability, hospitality, and respect, we look forward to meeting all your dietary needs, exchanging and sharing flavorful experiences, expanding our culinary horizons.

Additionally, we can advise and guide you correctly in the field of organic cosmetics, covering all your needs.

Our store is certified by the Certification and Inspection Body for Organic Products (DIO) and operates under the ISO 22000 standard for food hygiene and safety.

KARALIS SA – Epirus Dairy Industry

The dairy industry Karalis S.A. is the largest production and export industry of Kefalograviera PDO cheese. It started and continues to process sheep’s milk from Epirus and produce the well-known traditional cheeses of Epirus.

Over the years, it has continually improved the hygiene of its products and followed market demands for tasty and nutritious traditional products, available in various packaging options.

Although it has converted to a Joint Stock Company, the Karalis family remains the shareholders and manages the company at all levels.

The company’s main competitive advantage lies in its experience in cheese making, good relationships with its suppliers, and the excellent reputation it has built and promoted worldwide for Epirus cheeses.

The Karalis family’s relationship with cheese making spans three generations. Mr. Konstantinos Karalis, raised in a dairy farming family, pursued the profession of cheese maker.

He established the first modern dairy in 1965 in Petra, Preveza, from where exports began in 1982. Initially, exports were to the United States and Canada, and shortly after to Australia.

In 1998, he created a new state-of-the-art dairy plant in Filothei, Arta, covering an area of ​​5,000 sq.m., capable of processing 120,000 kilograms of sheep’s milk per day.

Poiema Olive Oil

In 2004, Vasilis Roussas inherited an estate on the Ambracian Gulf from his father, Konstantinos Roussas.

His relationship with nature until then had been conventional, but soon it evolved and defined the course of his life.

Very soon, the estate was renamed “Moschopoulou Estate” and now it is the place where the “Poiema” olive oil is produced.

Paragaea Old Olive Oil Factory & Gastronomic Center

We are the olive and oil museum in Parga.

We restored and renovated our town’s oldest motorized oil mill and now offer guided tours of the site.

We also have our own line of olive oil products which we present to you in a standard and unique tasting.

In our place you can participate in cooking classes and wine tastings during the summer months.

A visit to Paragaea, where we will guide you through the entire facility, explaining how each step of olive oil production was done in this factory, while at the same time talking about each machine you can see around you.

You will discover the history of the first mechanized olive oil factory of Parga and its connection with our culture and people’s lives.

Then you will watch the modern way of olive oil production and the entire journey of the olive from the olive groves to your bottle in a short film we have created.


In Drosochori, Ioannina, the Metsovo SA family cheese factory bears witness to the origins of its owners and the rich cheese-making culture of Vlach cheeses.

With goat and sheep milk from the prefecture of Ioannina, they produce a wide range of semi-hard yellow cheeses full of colors and flavors thanks to the smoking but also to the spices and herbs they use.

AGEMA Ancient Greek Beauty Secrets

AGEMA / Ancient Greek Beauty Secrets, has its headquarters in Lygos Ioannina, in the wider area of ​​the Dodoni valley, where it is surrounded by a pervasively mysterious nature of native plants that were considered gifts of the gods.

Its vital energy diffuses and externalizes towards every form of life that surrounds and is surrounded, making the area characterized as a perpetual, unalterable, natural energy source, which is why it was also chosen as the site for the first, oldest and for many years unique oracle.

With specific primordial-procedures-recipes, our Ancestors received from the all-living beings of the plant kingdom, in their wild state, all the forces and vibrational power of these indigenous plants that live in their own societies and possess “pure information” and prominent collective memory.

AGEMA was “born” to bring you these natural clean-energy gifts, respecting and cooperating completely with nature and its laws.

Its primordial-natural-energy products are the “transmitter”, the “channel” of union of the energy Source of Dodoni with your individuality.

AGEMA transforms, mutates, projects the primordial structures of the greatness of the past in the “modern”, “contemporary”, “evolved” times of today and the “here and now”…

The price of AGEMA products refers to the value of the “physical” product. The eternal, inexhaustible energy that flows from the Dodoni valley is not marketable and as such is generously given to the friends of AGEMA.
